Been planting in the poly tunnel this weekend

Saturday morning I went seed and plant shopping.

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Sunday wasn’t too much fun, I went to B&Q ( A DIY chain) for a few things in what started off as glorious sunshine.

So at B&Q I asked for directions to the water butts as I didn’t fancy hiking up the hill every time I needed some water.

They had 1 water butt left in the size I wanted, but it was a bit bashed up and without a tap or a lid. Undeterred, I found the lady who had directed me to the farthest reaches of the garden centre. Wait here she says and returns with a colleague 20 mins later.

Off they go again (it’s now raining heavily btw and the garden section is outside). Another 30 mins and they return with a complete water butt, I joked that I didn’t want it any more, but quickly said that I did as they were not looking too amused at this point.

So armed with the water butt all I had to get were some pots and saucers. They had plenty of plant pots but no saucers. I left with the water butt, slightly damp and disheartened alas without any plant pots.

I called into a local Garden centre on my way home to find they had plenty of saucers, but only 6 pots of the size I needed. Unfortunately I was on a time limit so grabbed the 6 pots and saucers and gave up for the day as it was now freezing cold, windy and still raining.

So today a (bank holiday), I’ve been in the poly tunnel.

I’ve planted some peas, onions, spring onions, turnip, various herbs (basil, dill etc), radishes and some mixed lettuce plants. A lot of this could have been grown outside, but as the season is moving on rapidly and I haven’t built any raised beds outside I thought I’d use the space in the poly tunnel.

Also on the walkway I put down some newspaper and covered with wood chippings. I’ve also potted up the plants purchased on Saturday: 3 tomato plants, a cucumber plant and 3 chilli plants (note the name of the chilli plants “Apache” 🙂 .

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