Made a pen to alleviate the boredom of cutting the grass.
Some pictures from around the Garden/Poly Tunnel.
A Raspberry Pi and some Chickens
Nothing of much interest to report.
I was just experimenting with the camera on a new phone.
It doesn’t seem too bad imho.
I now know to turn off the phones wifi whilst I’m in range of it.
Accidentally taking a few pictures in (burst mode) fills up my dropbox in a matter of seconds as the phones burst mode takes 100+ pics at a time.
Tomatoes, nasturtiums and kale:
I’m cheating here. After planting quite a few tea seeds several months ago (as yet no sign of germination). I’ve (after the usual preparation), cheated and planted some more, but this time I’m using an electric propagator. There are 4 seeds in each container. It will be interesting to see if they germinate before the ones that are in pots in the poly tunnel:
Following on from Wall of Despair
The wall continues to rise.
Still a lot more work to do, but the end is in sight.